Tag Archives: Invasion Day

Stop Bein’ a Bludger!

18 Feb

I am guilty of Bludging. Which is Australian for slacking, which means I have been inadequate in the Blog-o-sphere. But Enough Of That!!

A few weeks ago, on Wednesday January 26th to be exact, I heard the following song over and over and over (click here for the soundtrack, because it will certainly put you in the mood). It was Australia Day. And all of Australia celebrated (except those who call it, feel it, know it and live it as Invasion Day). This is unlike July 4th, where we celebrate our independence from from the British and celebrate the fact that we had won the war. No, Australians are celebrating the first arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788. Known to Aboriginal’s as “the day the white folks came and took the land.” I have not been here for an extended time, nor do I know enough about these matters to make a call on this or that. But I am open to seeing both sides.

The guy below really sums up a lot of Ozzies on this particular day (I am being very politically incorrect right now, and therefore being an Ozzie in true form, by believing the photo below is the best representation of an Ozzie).

His shirt says, and I quote, “We are Australia. We eat meat. We drink beer. And we speak F1$%in’ English.”

We took the train to Circular Quay, and were delighted to be amongst a mass of people who sang, dance, and sported all things Ozzie.


This about sums it up!

Well… besides that of an American… and a Kiwi.

It was a full day of live music and hanging out in sunshine and not being at work and really feeling the Australian Spirit. Which is very proud and they aren’t afraid to tell ya it! We had a blast!

And did I mention it was hot!

Us before the heat wave

I know.. heat ages me about ten years! Wowzas it was hot!

Next year, maybe I will hang out with the Invasion Day party and then I will have truly experienced January 26th in all it’s glory!

The Aboriginal Flag



Love You Mom!!! Happy Birthday Stephanie!!!!!!!